The Skies of Mars is a Cosmic Theme masterpiece which immediately captivated us at TLC when it was born. We gathered around the table to give it the first look and it immediately connected in our heads with theĀ Venus’ Horizon. Having the same spirit but in the red and brownish hues, the Skies of Mars quickly became our favorite. By taking you back to the times when Mars was more than the cold, red planet we know it as today, the Skies show you the former violence of the planet, invite you to imagine the fierce gales that tore up its surface, lifting the mountains, mixing the land with the skies.
The Skies of Mars will look excellent on pastel walls, especially if paired with the Venus’ Horizon. It will also impress on red walls, and, surprisingly, look beautiful on a blue background even though it has very little related color. Just like the Horizon, the Skies is a square piece so ordering an elongated crop ration needs extra attention and evaluation using the Theme Designer service. High gloss finish is highly recommended, and sizes other than 12×12 are not available on metal. They can be special ordered as high grade acrylic prints.
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