
Our copyright policy is very simple: We own copyright for all of the images we offer for sale. This includes Liquid Colors, Photography and all of the photographic services. For the photo services, the customer who orders the service and pays for it owns the right to the images because we perform the service under contract with the customer. Any reproduction, re-posting or cross linking of our images for any purpose is prohibited unless the entire page on which the image is presented is displayed entirely, or hyperlinked from the image you want to cross post. Forwarding of our images is encouraged as long as the credit to or the original product page link accompanies the image.

The only exception to this rule are images that depict different interiors. These are used under license or used with permission from the image owners. We use these interior images captured by other photographers and computer simulated interior designs to show you how our artwork might look in a certain room.

Some of the images we show are owned by our customers. We obtain permission from each customer to show their images or the images we took for them so that others can have a better idea about what we can do for them. While we still own the copyright for the photos our photographers take, we adhere to strict ethical rules for all images taken under contract with customers: we will not publicly display anything unless the customer gives us explicit permission.

Same highest ethical standards will apply to you if you become our customer.

Lastly, all product images we use in our Store have been optimized for the web delivery. They usually have the resolution of less than 1 megapixel, and the color fidelity is reduced to be sufficient for the human eye on the average computer screen. While this quality reduction can’t be seen by the naked eye on our web pages, it can be easily seen on large format prints. We don’t recommend printing out the web images larger than 4×6 inches; the hard copies will likely disappoint you. The full resolution original images are much larger, sometimes reaching 60 or more megapixels. They are optimized for the desired printing method and will result in much higher quality wall art than the web versions.

Private galleries provided to our photographic services customers contain full resolution images ready to be printed by the customers themselves, as well as the options to order a variety of prints on media of the customers’ choice. The Liquid Color photographers still own the copyright to these images but we will not use the images for any purpose unless we have authorization form the customer.