Foxy Foxy

$49.99 - $375.99

This young red fox who explored our cam site one day was nosy, silly and cute. We took many photos of it, and we hope that you will want one for your wall, to remind you of the small wonders of the world that still live far away from our own wonderful, comfortable, civilized habitat.

SKU: TLC-3013 Category:


This young fox came up to our camp site one day, and wanted to explore everything there was. It was curious and too young to be afraid, so it gave us many opportunities for great shots. Its amber colored eyes shone in the daylight, deep and clear like drops of dew. The huge, silly ears worked overtime, turning in every direction for the slightest of sounds.

Curious, fearless and innocent, this small animal stayed with is in our photos. I doubt you can hold back a smile too, if you put her on your wall 🙂


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